Hello, I'm Houyem,
I am an expert in women’s health and wellness, ready to support you to show up as your best self.
I'm a certified integrative women's health coach, birthworker, herbalist and yoga teacher. The Wise Wellness, a space I've created, offers women holistic health coaching, body literacy & birth education, personalized support, and natural herbal remedies.
I’m passionate about empowering women to reclaim their power and take control of their healing journey and life experiences, leading to a happier and more fulfilled life.
I firmly believe that when we feel empowered and balanced in both body and mind, we unlock the energy to live life to its fullest potential, realize our dreams, and positively impact those around us. Achieving harmony with our body and mind serves as the channel to create the life we desire.
"A woman that heals herself, heals her mother, heals her daughter, and heals every woman around her."
Knowledge is Power!
As a passionate educator, I'll help you tap into your body's wisdom and become your best self.
Over the past decade, I started working with women as a birth and postpartum doula and childbirth educator. As I have continued to follow my clients’ health journey, I have expanded my knowledge and expertise to support women throughout the transition to motherhood, from preconception and fertility to pregnancy, birth, and beyond and also throughout challenges related to the menstrual cycle continuum until menopause, hormonal imbalances and gut health.
Combining scientific knowledge with innate wisdom, I provide tools, guidance, and a nurturing space for you to reconnect with your body, tap into your inner wisdom, and embrace your feminine essence to manifest transformative life experiences with joy, confidence, and serenity.
A Trusted Guide in your Journey
I have been fortunate to learn from knowledgeable and wise mentors along the way and gained experience in working with women who seeking a transformative shift in their approach to health: Moving away from a passive stance, where symptoms are merely treated without considering the holistic aspects of mind and spirit - To an approach where YOU are leading your healing journey by delving into root causes and nurturing mind, body, and spirit holistically.
I also offer access to functional testing to understand hormonal health and detoxification pathways. This can be really incredibly valuable information to have on a healing journey.
In my practice, informed by both client support and my own journey, I came to realize quickly that herbal remedies were an integral part of my toolbox to support my own healing and my clients’. I started crafting infusions, decoctions, blends and tinctures for my own and my clients' use and developed a love for herbs. Herbal remedies offer women solutions to revive ancestral ways of deep healing as well as a profound connection to Earth.
Beyond my coaching practice and herbal crafting, I cherish moments with my husband and our three children. As a lifelong learner, I indulge in reading, particularly on women's health and wellness topics. I also love traveling and exploring; We actually traveled for 4 months around the world with our children and what an experience! Balancing the demands of motherhood, my favorite daily me-time involves movement—whether it's my yoga practice, a soul cycle workout, weight training, or a peaceful beach walk. These activities help me regulate my nervous system, ensuring I am energized and fully present for my family and the women I support.
Education & Training
Integrative Women Health Coach - IWHI
Herbalism Certification - Ecoversity
The Wild Edge - Herbal medicine, modern science & rituals for women
Blood Mysteries School - FBS
Innate Postpartum care - Rachelle Garcia-Seliga
Radical Birth Keeper School - FBS
Fertility Education & Medical Management (FEMM)
Yoga Teacher Training 300H - Kaya Yoga Therapy
Yoga Prenatal/ Postnatal 85H - Zen Yoga
Birth & Postpartum Doula - DONA
Certified Childbirth Educator - Lamaze