How we can work together

Journey with me

 Let's work together to create a holistic approach to wellness that empowers you to live your best life!






Personalized Coaching 


Your journey is unique - whether you are looking to optimize your health to feel radiant  from the inside out, preparing for a smooth conception, blissful birth and postpartum or yearning to debrief past birth(s), seeking tools & education to take charge of your fertility naturally or harness your perimenopause, I’m here to support you every step of the way. 



$180 USD / AED 660

Do you want to unpack your health triggers?

Maybe you already feel quite confident in your healing journey and just need more clarity 

Or you’re not quite sure and would like to feel things out before committing to a longer program?

Then this is for you; A single session to understand your wellness profile and get an action plan

Who is it for?

  • You want to experience the benefits of taking charge of your health before committing to a longer program

  • You want to unpack and discuss your triggers, symptoms or health goals in a systematic way or, 

  • You want to experiment with herbal remedies specific to your situation 

What’s included?

  • A 90-minute session with me

  • Preliminary assessment 

  • Clarity and a personalized plan for the next steps 

  • Resource recommendations

  • Continuous WhatsApp support for 7 days



$980 USD / AED 3600

$1470 USD / AED 5400

Payment plan available

Do you have something going on in your body that doesn’t feel quite right?  

Are you ready to be supported and guided in leading YOUR healing journey beyond the symptoms and into the root cause(s)?

Have you been to your medical provider and come away feeling unheard and unsatisfied with the treatment options?  

Or maybe you want to learn more about your body and live a more feminine-led life, int tune with the seasons of your cycle

Who is it for?

  • You know something is off with your menstrual cycle (painful or irregular periods, intense PMS) and you want to understand the why and heal your hormones

  • You are ready to conceive or have been trying to conceive and want to take charge of your fertility, understand your hormones, identify your fertile window, prepare your body and mind

  • You are ready to get off hormonal birth control and don't know where to start to learn the wisdom of your cycle and take control of your reproductive power naturally

What’s included?

  •  1:1 sessions with me every 2 weeks (online or in-person) for 3 months (6 sessions) or 9 sessions for the 6 month-program

  • Full health assessment to understand your past & present health & areas of focus

  • Lab testing recommendations

  • Herbal remedies & supplement recommendations

  • Accountability & guidance every step of our journey together

  • Resource recommendations

  • Continuous email / WhatsApp support between sessions



$1,340 USD / AED 4,900

Payment plan available

Are you noticing changes in your cycle?

Do you find that your physical and emotional symptoms seem to be multiplying, despite having tried several things to address them?

Maybe you have been told that ‘crazy hormones’ are the cause and this is the only way to get through this transformation. Or have you been suggested HRT or other medication to alleviate the symptoms?

I know that simple, natural relief from perimenopause symptoms can be reached and your innate well-being can return!

This program is for you if you’re looking for education and guidance to go through smooth perimenopause and menopause.

Who is it for?

  • You are in your forties or early fifties and experiencing changes in your cycle

  • You want to learn more about your cycles and be prepared for this transition

  • You know that there are holistic alternatives to your symptoms in order for you to thrive and not survive

What’s included?

  • 1:1 sessions with me every 2 weeks (online or in-person) for 4 months

  • Education about hormones, nutrition, menstrual cycle charting, gut health and movement for to reduce symptoms and feel stronger in your body

  • Analyzing and interpreting recommended functional lab diagnostic tests

  • Individualized action plan for a smoother transition

Birthing in Confidence


$710 USD / AED 2600 - Payment plan available

Beyond the generic aspects of pregnancy and birth education, we’ll go through the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual aspects of this transformative journey, from pregnancy & birth to postpartum & early motherhood.

At the end of the course, you’ll get the knowledge and the tools on how to:

Overcome your fears around birth & parenting & connect with your intuition

Feel confident & prepared for the onset of the birth process, its sensations and variations of normal

Give the best support as a birth partner

Clarify your needs and desires & prepare your mind, heart & body

Prepare for a blissful postpartum & breastfeeding journey

This is not a traditional antenatal class. This is a deeply integrative course to support you in reclaiming your birthing power.

Who is it for?

  • You are pregnant and want to take charge of your birth experience and understand how to make the best decisions for yourself and your baby.

  • You are pregnant for the 2nd, 3rd time or more, your previous experiences left you unhappy, unsatisfied and you are ready to explore your beliefs about birth and your own body.

  • You are looking for a holistic approach to birth, postpartum & motherhood and not a generic antenatal class.

  • You are planning to conceive and want to be prepared for a deeply grounded and connected experience, from pregnancy to motherhood

What’s included?

  • 4 sessions with me over Zoom or face-to-face (90 min/ session)

  • An e-book including easy recipes and herbal teas for postpartum recovery

  • Relaxation & visualization practices

  • Journaling prompts & worksheets to help you clarify your priorities, desires and fears

  • Resource recommendations

  • Continuous email / whatsapp support between sessions

Birth Trauma Relief


$490 USD / AED 1,800 - Payment plan available

Your baby is here! You’re in love and so grateful that he/she is finally here.

However, you feel stuck or struggle with unhelpful emotions. You can’t stop thinking about your birth and keep asking yourself ‘what if?’

You feel unheard and don’t know where to turn to or you are told that ‘all that matters is a healthy baby’.

But you have the deep knowing that your birth experience was wrong and left you filled with anxiety and distress and that it hurts your day-to-day life.

Are you ready to unpack your birth experience and your thoughts and feelings around it? Do you feel tired of feeling the victim of your story and are ready to transform your pain into power?

As a birth professional and pre/postnatal specialist trained in birth trauma recovery, my experience lies in supporting you to unpack and process your birth story, guiding you with the integration and transmuting your trauma to power

Who is it for?

  • Your birth experience (weeks, months or even years ago) left you feeling unhappy, anxious, guilty.

  • You are ready to tell your story and start to understand what happened without being gaslit or re-traumatized

  • You want to gain your confidence and resilience back and feel powerful as a woman and as a mother

What’s included?

  • Three 1:1 sessions with me (90 minute/ session) over 6 weeks

  • Preliminary questionnaire

  • Journal prompts, integration exercises

  • Relaxation & visualization practices

  • Resource recommendations

  • Continuous email / whatsapp support between sessions

Ready to start?

Let’s work together to assess where you are, what helps and hinders your current health, and create lasting change for optimal wellbeing.

Book a free clarity call and let’s chat.
